Skin Care in Your Kitchen: Part Three

I began my whole “Bikini Gardener” Mother Nature Inspired, Organic, Homemade Skin Care venture out of love for gardening and all things holistic beauty.  There are just too many people out there who don’t know that they have such WONDERFUL stuff for their skin right in their very own kitchens.  We don’t NEED to go anywhere or to buy pretty packaged bottles of whatever to get gorgeous skin!  We just need to eat right and learn a few tricks of the trade!  This series of posts will be all about foods you’ll likely have at any given time in your very own kitchen.

 For Part Three of our series on Skin Care in your Kitchen I’ve chosen Avocado & Bananas.  Yet another two amazing fruits that help keep you not only healthy but keep you pretty, too!



Avocado:  Avocados are often referred to in my line of “work” as Mother Nature’s skin moisturizer, loaded with  healthy fats and phytonutrients it’s no wonder at all that avocados offer remarkable benefits to our skin- both inside & out!  I think most of us are aware of the moisturizing properties of this fruit due it’s “good fat” content (hence why we see it so often in face & hair masks) but did you also know that avocado is great for treating sun damaged skin, age spots & scars, too?  Seriously, Avocados are GENIUS!  Thank you Mother Nature!  I could go on and on and on about the magic of this fruit but it’s already been done so well and it would take me forever so here’s a link to one of my fav sites documenting the health & skin benefits of the Avocado:



Bananas:   Alpha-Hydroxy Acids are found in the peel of the Banana making this a great little natural acne treatment as it helps fight skin inflammation!  Peel back a banana, eat the fruit and rub the inside flesh of the peel on your face paying special attention to any “spots” that may be troubling you, yes, even eczema & psoriasis!  That’s it folks!  But wait, Bananas are rich in fiber, minerals and Vitamin C, so mashing up a ripe banana in your face mask (alone or with other beneficial natural ingredients) has the added bonus of being an anti-aging skin care ingredient.  Vitamin C boosts collagen production!  AWESOME!

Care for a couple of simple & fast skin care recipes using the Avocado and the Banana?  That you can do in your very own kitchen?  Keep reading!!!






Banana Face Mask for Acne & Dry Skin:  Mash about  ¼  Cup of banana with 2 Tablespoons of Organic, Raw or Manuka Honey in a small bowl and apply to your face.  Leave on for about 20 minutes.  Rinse off with tepid water and pat dry.  Ta da!  ‘Tis all.  Easy, huh?!  This mask will treat acne due to the antibacterial & anti-fungal properties of the honey and the banana soothes the skin, lessening the redness of the inflammation.  But BAM!  It’s also anti-aging as the Banana’s anti-oxidant properties (Vitamin C) help support collagen production, thus decreasing wrinkles and fine lines.  How easy is that!?



Egg white and Avocado Face Mask for Oily, Dull Skin:  In a small bowl mix together 1 Tablespoon of fresh squeezed organic lemon juice, one egg white and about half of a ripe avocado.  Mix it all together with a fork until it’s an easily spreadable, smooth paste.  Apply the mask evenly to your clean, dry face and massage it well into your pretty little face.  Don’t forget your face and neck, ladies!  I realize that this part can messy so I do it in my less than finest clothes and then lay down for a bit with a towel under my head.  Let the mask set for about 20 minutes and then rinse off with tepid water and pat dry.  This will leave your skin oil free as the egg white & fresh lemon juice will clear the oil and grime that can accumulate in the skin’s pores. It will also reduce excessive sebum or oil production & help shrink your pores, while the avocado will leave your skin feeling moist, fresh and glowing.


Love Thy Self, Ladies, and Love the Skin You’re in!!!




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